Renovation Budget: How to stick to it!

All right, all right, I admit it – I am more than a bit of a construction geek! One of my favourite soap-boxes is the budgeting component of any renovation project. KHD has executed literally hundreds of home renovations on budget with budgets ranging from $50,000 to $1,500,000. We’ve learned a few things to protect […]
18 Ways to Celebrate National Hygge Day!

Updated Feb 1, 2022 Brrrrr! Baby, it’s cold outside and it’s going to get colder yet. But don’t despair! KHD personally declared February 1st to be National Hygge Day in 2019 and we have been celebrating ever since. We’re working on making it official! Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a concept that inspires joyful living, togetherness, peace […]
Celebrating a Fantastic 15 Years of Calgary Interior Design

Happy New Year! As the calendar ticks over into 2019, we are thrilled to kick off our 15 Year Anniversary celebrations of Calgary Interior Design. Over the years we have had the privilege of working closely with hundreds of Calgary and area families to co-create spaces that they love living in. It’s my commitment to keep […]
Hygge Reflections on Adventures of 2018

It’s early morning on the last day of the year, my home is quiet and family from out of town are asleep upstairs. I am enjoying my second cup of Icelandic coffee and the smell of muffins baking while I consider the many hygge reflections on the adventures of KHD in 2018. This year we […]